Different types of portable wheelchair ramps construction in Canada

It’s estimated that there are around 2.7 million wheelchair users. Unfortunately, although the situation is improving, many public areas are still not wheelchair accessible. Having your portable wheelchair ramp in these situations can be of great use.

If your loved one uses a wheelchair, it is worthwhile to install a wheelchair ramp at your home. which type is best for you?

We’ll walk you through the different home and portable wheelchair ramps construction in Canada.

Threshold Ramps

These ramps can be composed of either rubber or metal. They’re designed to sit flush against the lip of a curb or the threshold of a door. These ramps are between one and six inches in height. They’re very lightweight, and you can use them both outside and inside a doorway.

They are easy to use, cost-effective, and provide mobility solutions to people who use wheelchairs or walkers or scooters.

Folding Ramps

Folding ramps consist of either a tri-fold (four panels) or bi-fold (two panels) with hinges placed between each panel. The tri-fold ramps fold three times, while the bi-fold ramps fold only once. However, you can place a folding ramp over stairs that lead into your house, for example.

Suitcase Ramps

These are one of the best ramps for portability. These are around four feet long, and they can support around 800lbs. In addition, a suitcase ramp can lay directly on top of a small set of stairs, so it’s useful for home use.  These ramps are also not ADA-compliant, so they should only be used for personal use.

Telescoping Ramps

These are made of two narrow, separate channels. These channels are no wider than one foot each. The ramp can retract and extend to reach your desired length.

Telescoping ramps are especially helpful for getting into vans that are not wheelchair-accessible. However, many people struggle to have proper headroom when sitting in their wheelchair in an unconverted vehicle. In addition, telescoping ramps aren’t always compatible with mobile scooters because the wheels often don’t properly line up.

Rollable Ramps

Rollable wheelchair ramps are the easiest ramps to take with you on the move. You can fold them, which makes them very easy to carry. They come in different sizes. The rollable ramps are made out of aluminum, and they’re durable and lightweight.

The surface is non-slippery, so you can easily step or roll on it. These ramps are useful when moving in and out of wheelchair-accessible buildings and vans.

Modular Ramps

When it comes to wheelchair ramps for home use, you may want to opt for a modular ramp. The fixture is permanent and larger than the other ramps listed above. You don’t need a building permit as it is possible to break this ramp down and reassemble it somewhere else.

Permanent Ramps

It is another good choice for home wheelchair ramps. They’re made out of concrete or wood. You can’t adjust or move the ramp after it’s been set in place.

However, you need a building permit to construct it. This kind of fixture is built on-site. It means that construction and installation time will take longer than a modular ramp.

These ramps are installed instead of modular ones when the homeowner wants the ramp to fit the home’s aesthetics.

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